5 Ideas to Create Minimalistic Home Office

When you are trying to create a home office, there are plenty of things that you would need to do, from how to create the simple cozy atmosphere of your office, to choosing the correct furniture, as well as the correct color for each wall and shelves. There are many things to consider when you are trying to create a cozy, yet stylish minimalistic home office especially if you want it to be your most important office.

It is important to have a cozy atmosphere in the office, because in our office we spend most of our time there, working, and would be one of the places we spend most of our time in one day. Hence, creating a cozy atmosphere for your home office is a must, so you can work stress-free, regardless of the time you are working in the office.

There are a few neat tricks and ideas that you can use to make your home office much more lively and would create a better most comfortable home office. This time, we are going to tell you some tips and directions on how to make your own minimalistic, but the cozy and stylish home office, to help supports your work, and create a better atmosphere in your office.

The Important Notes On The Home Office

One thing you should take note of about the home office is that you will need to be as comfortable as possible, yet everything you would need for your work is at your fingertips. You would need to manage your furniture set everything in the proper place, manage everything, and make sure that you do all your work stress-free, by creating a comfortable atmosphere in your home office.

To do that, there are a few ways you can use it, be it by arranging furniture to make it simpler, minimalistic, and easier to manage, and with the combinations of color and matching furniture. This way, you can make sure that all your hard work in the office is being accompanied by cozy, relaxing office air, while also promoting some productivity.

There are also many factors that could contribute to having better moods and setting up for more productive atmosphere in the home office, for example, a simple lighting change could really motivate your mood, and would give a more productive sense. Not only lighting, but also other things such as furniture, relaxing decorations, and many more things that could contribute to raising moods.

One thing you should prioritize though when designing for a home office is that everything needs to be managed, and put in place, so you can find anything you want, and anything you need in your office, therefore, would make it for the better and more productive place. Everything has its place, and you need to know where you can find the things you are looking for.

Add a few decorations such as simple artwork, then you would see how they can give you a better more productive sense, In our article here, we are going to show you a few tips about how to create some stylish, minimalistic, and more productive home office.

Tips On Creating A Stylish, And More Productive Atmosphere In Your Home Office

Here are a few tips that you can implement to make your home office room looks much more productive, and stylish, and would have a minimalistic office. Whenever you are in need of changing the mood of your office, then you can implement a few of our tips here.

  • Simple lighting setup

Some simple lighting could change a lot of things. You might not believe some simple changing in lighting, from natural lighting or some lamps could change within the office. Many experts believe that the best lighting for working is light enough to see the text but dim enough so it won’t strain on your eyes, the best way is to use a study lamp.

  • Furniture choices

Furniture of choice could also freshen up the mood, for example, some hardwood furniture could give you a sense of rustic and classy looks. Sometimes minimalistic furniture would also be better for the home office, making it a better sense for the office, or some furniture that maximizes your comfort and functionality.

  • Wall and flooring options

Simple walling and flooring options could also make for a better sense of productivity. For example, the feeling of hardwood flooring will make you go classy, but sometimes some minimalistic walls and floors such as vinyl flooring would also be a good way to increase productivity inside the home office.

Make sure to refer to our article about how you can choose wall and flooring options that are the best for your home office, kitchen, living room, and bedroom, to get the best idea about it.

  • Simple artworks

If you are an art enthusiast, then picking and placing a few artworks then would greatly enhance the mood of your home office. Even if you aren’t an art enthusiast, we can agree that hanging out a few artworks could greatly decorate your home office, making it a better place, and generally making it prettier.

  • The position of everything should be in place and organized 

This is important, as your home office would need to be organized neatly, and you will need to know where is everything, and where you can find it. Everything should be reachable by hand, and nothing is cluttered inside your office. You would need to be comfortable with the setting of your office as well.

In conclusion, there are many ways you can do to make your home office much more lively, and create more sense of productivity. Some simple things such as better organizing, simple artwork, and simply changing the lighting of your office could actually make a few changes, and some might even make your office much more productive sense.

If you want to know more about interesting ideas for interior design, and how to create better ideas and concepts for your home interior design, then let us know in our comment section. Here, we can provide all sorts of lifestyle tips, home interior design ideas, and many more, so be sure to follow us through.

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Importance of Lighting for both Aesthetics and Safety

When you are thinking about the aesthetics of the room, many things would come to mind, such as the choice of furniture, the color of the wall paint, as well as the most basic things such as window lighting and many more. Lighting, especially natural lighting can add a more aesthetically pleasing atmosphere, and not to mention that there are also safety reasons behind the natural light.

In this article, we are going to show you the importance of natural lighting inside one home, and how the position as well as when to use lighting could make such a big difference in a home. First, we need to understand how lighting could affect many things, and how important it is to have your home to be in good or sufficient lighting.

Whenever you are setting up a place for working, or for the bedroom, living room, kitchen, and office works, there are a few things that you would need to better understand, and that is lighting. How you set up your lighting could affect the atmosphere, and ultimately the ambiance in your room. Therefore, it is always nice to consider the lighting whenever you are setting up your room.

What Is The Impact On Lighting In The Room?

Lighting, especially natural lighting or even artificial lighting could change the ambiance of your room, changing from the usual room ambiance to whatever mood you have set up. The impact on lighting could drastically change the ambiance of your room; of course, there are also a few factors such as the décor choice, choice of wall paint color, and many more.

Here are a few ways that lighting could impact the room ambiance, and how much it can change the way you look at the room.

  • Changing the ambiance and general atmosphere of your room

You might not believe how easy is it, as well as how impactful it is for basic change of lighting, and how they could improve the general atmosphere of your room. One simple natural lighting could improve the mood of the room, enabling fresher looks, and the general atmosphere in your room therefore would increase the mood, and even productivity in certain ways.

Whenever natural lighting isn’t available, there is always an option for artificial lighting. Of course, it is not just for aesthetically pleasing, or for safety concerns, as well as the need for light, but sometimes how you take care of the light, and positioning of your lamps would be important factors on the radiant as well as light for your room.

  • Creating rustic looks and many other décor ideas

Perhaps you won’t believe that a simple lighting change could change how rustic the look of the room, is and would make for better décor ideas. Simple artificial lightings, such as with the hanging light, or simple window light then would make very easy and aesthetically pleasing looks. It is quite simple that you can use it to make your room better, and would make it productive feelings.

You can set up for rustic or minimalistic ideas of the décor concept, for the minimalistic approach, it is better to have simple lighting, not too much light, but not too dim, to create a sense of simplicity in each of its own furniture.

  • Aesthetically Pleasing

With the lighting, you could make for a better aesthetically pleasing way, and it can also even be used to highlight each of the furniture and make it for better aesthetically pleasing furniture.

  • Better lighting for works

When you are designing a room, especially where you do some important stuff, such as a home office, or kitchen where you cut and dice ingredients, then you would need ample lighting to make sure that you can see, and have better visibility. It is not just about aesthetically pleasing, but also safety, and work-related concerns about the light itself.

For example, if you want to make productive sense in your office, you can try to have suitable light, and ample lighting that would let you have visibility on your work, but it is better to have dim, and would be better to bit dark. This way, you wouldn’t restrain your eyes, and would make for better stress-less works as well.

  • Safety Concerns

There is also a safety concern when dealing related with lighting in your home. Make sure to have better visibility in quiet high traffic areas such as the living room, and bathroom, but you can opt for dimmer light in a few relaxing rooms such as the living room, or bedroom.

Tips On The Lighting And Positioning Of Your Lamp

If you are designing a lighting concept for your office, then many experts believed to be the perfect lighting isn’t too dark, yet too light. Medium lighting would make for the best product ideas for your home office. This is because you would need ample lighting so you can see what you are working on, and a bit of dark so you won’t strain your eye too much when working for quite a long time.

See also our other article here about how to design lighting and home office, making the best ideas for your home office, and best way to make productive sense of your home office.

If the natural lighting isn’t available, then your only choice is by using artificial light, or simply a lamp. If you are looking for a way to create better lighting or trying to make some kind of ambiance in your room, then one way is to make sure that you position the light, as well as how you can make atmosphere through the excellent lighting.

There are a few ways that you can try to create better lighting for your room, from better positioning, the better quality of lighting, how you position your lamp, and how you can complement your lighting with atmosphere, furniture, and positioning of the furniture inside your room. In this article, we are going to show you tips to create better lighting, and how you can make for a better ambiance in your room with simple light settings.

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The Impact of Artwork on Home Interior Design

Are you an art enthusiast? Trying to find the best artwork pieces that you can find to place in your home, creating a smaller gallery, then you would understand the impact of artwork such as paintings, statues, or wood carving on the home interior design, how some simple artwork could even create for better ambiances of your home, or just generally making your home prettier overall.

Artworks such as paintings are generally there to give a more beautiful look to your room, but sometimes, the art itself isn’t just something to see, hang, and then forgot. Sometimes, artwork could give more life to the home, and would make your home looks more lively, and classy depending on the artwork itself. Regardless, if you are an art enthusiast, then you would have come to the right place here.

Even if you are not an art enthusiast, there is always value behind placing artwork on your home, how some simple pieces of art could change the way your home looks, and the atmosphere and make for a better way to appreciate your home. Here, we have a few impacts of the artwork on your home interior design, how to incorporate them into your home, and many more.

What Kinds Of Artwork That Suitable For You

There are many kinds of artwork, and most of them are notable preferences, as there are no perfect masterpieces, and the best art in general, but rather on how you perceive the art, how you value certain art, and where you see the beauty in that art. When looking at a few masterpieces, you might sometimes wonder what kinds of artwork might suitable for you, and how much you can appreciate it.

Sometimes, the best art is the one you can appreciate the most, sometimes the best art is the artwork that has a hidden story and meaning behind it, and even sometimes that the best art is the one you appreciate, and value the most. However you perceive art, there are a few ways that you can see and choose what kinds of artwork you like.

Here are a few notable artworks that are suitable for everyone, and perhaps would be your preferred artwork to place inside your house.

  • Paintings 

Painting is probably the most common artwork that you can hang in your house, and therefore probably one of the most popular ones. There are of course hundreds of styles and variants of paintings, from the style such as naturalistic, and minimalistic, to the style paintings such as dadaism, naturalism, and many more.

Abstract painting and digital painting have also become quite popular to this day and becoming one of the most popular pieces of artwork to hang inside the house. Paintings are probably the easiest artwork that you can hang, however, they might not be the best-preferred ideas.

  • Statue

Statue doesn’t need to be big or made from stone. Statues sometimes can be quite nice artwork to put in place, especially to put in the garden or pond.

  • Wood carving

Wood carving is a nice thing to add to your home, adding a sense of exotic idea to your home, and adding more beautiful ways to decorate your home. Needless to say, wood carvings can also be engraved on furniture such as a table, doorways, and many more, therefore they could make usual boring furniture into pretty good masterpieces.

  • Furniture

Furniture isn’t just for function, but sometimes also for the artwork, and pieces of art. It can be integrated into your home with many ideas, and concepts of beautiful furniture, so you would like to choose and complete the concept of your home.

The Impact Of Installing Artwork For Your Home

For those who are looking to decorate their home, and make the home more beautiful than ever, there are a few ways that you can do this, and one thing is that you can choose for artwork. There are many factors why installing some artwork in your home can have an impact on your overall interior design, and sometimes could even brighten the mood inside your home.

The artwork itself has a very significant impact on the mood and atmosphere, overall design as well. The feeling of home interior, and many more significant factors on it. You will need to carefully select artwork, displaying many different art pieces that are significant with the designs, and the homeowner can then add many visually interesting artworks, that will let them display their personalities.

Artwork can impact the atmosphere of your home, designing it with the style, and sometimes can be used as a focal point. Each statement, and piece of art that would be eye-catching, could be the centerpiece inside the room, and the designs of the supporting elements would then be arranged. For more information about the placing of art and how you put each piece, visit our website here for more information.

By installing artwork, you can also put a certain mood, and then put a better atmosphere in the room. For example, when you can put a painting that represents a serene landscape, it can have a few calming effects especially when you put it inside the bedroom. Putting some abstract pieces, in the living room is a great way to add a sense of energy.

You can also use artwork to put more emphasis on the styling you want to use for your home interior design. For example, you can put minimalistic and modern paintings that would emphasize the style of a minimalistic living room. This is the basic idea of each styling and interior design, to put anything suitable in the style inside one suitable room, as everything is in place.

Furthermore, the artwork itself can be media of expression for the homeowner’s personalities, tastes, and interests. It could make something unique and would make it personal as well as a way to confer feelings and expression inside the home.

Overall, the artwork itself can be used to generally enhance the mood, and bring out more flavor and power in designing the home interior, to make the design more appealing, and dynamic and give it more personal expression.

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Choosing the Right Furniture for Your Home

The existence of furniture for your house is very important, moreover each piece of furniture has a function that really helps every home need, including making your house look beautiful. Without furniture, a room will definitely feel empty and unaesthetic.

Each piece of furniture, even though it has the same shape, for example a table, of course, has a different function. There is a dining table, living room table and dressing table which have completely different functions.

If you have a high taste for furniture, the process of selecting furniture sometimes requires a lot of consideration. You need to think about many aspects, especially in terms of needs and tastes.

The truth is, to get the best furniture, you don’t have to put a lot of effort into it. As long as it is in line with the concept of room to be built, budget, and needs. Everything can even be done by yourself, without having to consult a home design expert or hiring someone to arrange furniture in your home.

Basically there is no furniture that is intentionally made bad, everything is created as well as possible so that it functions properly. It’s just that, furniture will look more aesthetically pleasing when someone is good at mixing it with other furniture, room concepts, or the right color combinations.

Criteria For Choosing Furniture

A previously mentioned, furniture has its own function. However, there are two important criteria that must be considered when choosing furniture for a room or the whole house. These criteria are practical functions and aesthetic functions.

  • The practical function relates to the usefulness of the furniture. This includes as a place to place displays, tool containers, seats, and the like.
  • The aesthetic function relates to the extent to which a piece of furniture is able to support the beauty of the house.

Preparation Choosing Furniture

The process of choosing furniture looks easy, but it’s not that simple. That’s why, you need to invite someone to discuss the selection of furniture. This includes matters of furniture needs, tastes, and most importantly the budget.

1. Adjust to the Home Design

Selection of furniture must be in accordance with the theme of the design of the house. A minimalist themed house requires minimalist furniture. The same thing applies to the classic type of house. Whatever you choose, make sure the furniture can appear harmonious, blend in with the room, be comfortable, and be visually pleasing.

2. Define realistically

The most ideal type of furniture for your home should be chosen realistically. After that, then you can enter other stages, starting from measuring room, selecting paint or colors that match the walls, design, and adjustments to other furniture that was previously in your room.

Tips for Choosing Furniture

There are some tips for choosing the right furniture for your home so that it can function properly while giving an aesthetic impression.

1. Align Furniture with Room Conditions

This one tip is absolute, that you have to adapt a piece of furniture to the room conditions in your home. Even if you have the most unique and rarest piece of furniture, if it doesn’t fit the room conditions, you’re just wasting money, time, and effort.

As a guideline, here are some considerations regarding the selection of furniture according to room conditions.

  • Furniture size

To get the ideal size, it’s better if you first determine the size and conditions of the room. For example, a minimalist residence with limited space would be more suitable if filled with a variety of small to medium sized furniture. If you insist on placing large furniture, your room will only feel cramped and uncomfortable.

  • Color Selection

Choose the color of the furniture that matches the color of the walls or other pre-existing decorations. To make things easier, you can adjust the dominant color in the room and avoid using low contrast colors. Both of these methods are very important, especially to ensure the presence of furniture so that it blends together and does not cause imbalances that can damage the beauty of the room.

  • Room Function

The choice of furniture should be adjusted to the function of the room in your home. For example, you choose furniture for the family room. Given that the function of the family room is to relax and gather with family, the selection of furniture must give a comfortable impression.

To beautify and create a clean and elegant impression, you can also add special furniture to store objects, such as cupboards. Currently there are many cabinets that have attractive models and designs in various sizes.

  • Design

Design is a common thing as well as a basic thing when you choose the right furniture for your home. It is highly recommended to choose furniture whose designs are not easily ‘stale’ or timeless to save your budget, so you don’t have to always buy new furniture.

2. Choose Quality Materials and Have a Strong Construction

There are many furniture materials available in the market. But for longer life and durability, dressers, chairs, and cabinets are examples of furniture that can last longer with wood construction. In addition to giving a natural impression, wood also has better durability, compared to other materials such as aluminum or particle wood.

For other types of furniture, make sure you choose furniture with quality finishing and good upholstery. Some of the things you should pay attention to include furniture materials, resistance to stains and dust, color quality, and ease of maintenance.

3. Choose Furniture on a Budget

Choosing any furniture is highly recommended to adjust it to the budget you have. Even so, that doesn’t mean you buy cheap furniture that isn’t of good quality.

Saving the budget actually doesn’t stop until the furniture selection process is complete, but it goes beyond that. You have to make sure that at least the furniture you choose doesn’t result in inflated costs in the future.

Some tips that you should pay attention to include:

  • Choose energy efficient furniture
  • Choose furniture in neutral colors because usually brightly colored furniture is more expensive,
  • Buy a set of furniture,
  • Check the label and warranty features provided, and
  • Buy home furniture in stages.


Buying the right furniture for your home is arguably easy, you could say it’s difficult. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t do it. Some of the things that have been explained in the points above are expected to help you when you want to buy furniture for your home.

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10 Ways to Create a Bold Lip Look

Having lips that look bold and sexy is the desire of some women. Not infrequently they do various ways to get the desired results, such as spending a lot of money to do lip fillers. However, this method is considered dangerous because it causes side effects which are characterized by the appearance of lumps around the lips.

To get the look of bold lips, you can use lip liner, lipstick, concealer and highlights. The key to these women’s coveted lips is contrast to make dark areas darker and already lighter areas, or create full lips with bold and dark lipstick colors.

10 Ways for Creating a Bold Lip Look

To get a bold lip look that you dream of, consider the following steps.

1. Exfoliate

Before making bold lip look, you have to exfoliate first. Exfoliated lips can reflect a little more light, thus making lip wrinkles look smaller than they actually are or in other words lips look healthier.

In addition, exfoliating can help you get rid of dry skin flakes that can interfere with the appearance of your lips. You can massage your lips using a scrub gently to exfoliate dead skin. Can also use a soft brush or washcloth.

2. Moisturize lips

After exfoliating, you have to hydrate your lips to keep them moisturized. If your lips are dehydrated they will look unhealthy, so a moisturizer is needed to soften and strengthen the outer layer of your lips.

Apply lip balm over the lips and let it sink in. You can wait 5 minutes until 10 minutes.

It’s better to use a waxy lip balm than an oily lip balm. If you use a lip balm with an oily formula, it will only make the lipstick color you use immediately fade.

3. Wipe off excess lip balm

After you wait for the lip balm to be absorbed into the skin of your lips, then there is still some left, you can use a tissue to gently clean it.

The remaining lip balm can interfere with the lipstick that you will use later, so it may not stick perfectly and can be easily lost.

4. Use concealer as a base

Apply a small amount of concealer evenly on the lips first. This is useful for making a base so that your lip color is even and the lipstick color you use can stick perfectly and last a long time.

You can apply the concealer carefully using a sponge or fingers. However, keep in mind that you shouldn’t use too much, it will only wash away the natural color of your lips.

The use of a waterproof concealer is highly recommended. If you don’t want to use concealer, you can replace it with foundation using the same method.

5. Shape the lips with a lip liner

After the preparation process is complete, you can start drawing lip lines using a lip liner to frame the lips to make them look sharp.

There are two choices of lip liner colors to draw lip lines; a color similar to the lips and a deeper color than the lips.

For colors that are closer to the lips, the function of the lipstick color that you use later doesn’t look too flashy on the outside of the lips, but looks even.

Meanwhile, for a deeper color than the lips, you can add a lip contour to give the shadow of a bigger and bold lip.

6. Apply a lipstick color

Like using a lip liner color, you can also choose the color of the lipstick you want to use to fill in your lips. You can use a light color or a dark color.

For a light color, you can use it so that the color of the center of the lips is lighter and stands out. This can be used with a dark lip liner, by making the upper and lower lips meet. The lighter the lipstick color you use, the thicker your lips will look.

Meanwhile, for the use of dark colors, you can apply it thoroughly to cover all layers of the lips, including the color of the lip liner. This will give the impression of full and sexy lips.

7. Dry with tissue

To get rid of the oil content in lipstick products, you can dry it with a tissue. You do this by gently pressing the tissue on your lips. In addition, excess lipstick will also be cleaned.

Next, apply the powder over your lips using a brush, but you have to cover it with a tissue so it doesn’t stick to your lips directly. This serves to ensure the lipstick sticks perfectly.

8. Apply lip gloss

After that, focusing on the midline where the upper and lower lips meet, apply lip gloss to give shine to the lips. You can choose a color two or three levels lighter than the chosen lip liner. This can help create the optical illusion of bold lips.

9. Tidy up with concealer

You can add concealer to sharpen the corners of the lips. Not only that, concealer can also help create more contrast for bold and full lips. As a final touch, you can also add a little highlight to the center of the lips to form perfect lips.

10. Hydrate with lip balm

Once everything is done, you can finish off the series by adding some lip balm to hydrate your lips. Lips that have been drawn using various makeup products can make them dry, so a moisturizer is needed to keep the lips hydrated. In addition, using lip balm can also make your lips look healthier.

How to Keep Your Lips Healthy

Making bold lips look definitely forces you to use a lot of products in layers. Therefore, you have to make sure to keep your lips healthy. Some of these tips can be done.

  1. Routine exfoliation, this works to remove dead skin cells on your lips.
  2. Use lip balm for every day, especially when going to bed so that the lips are not dehydrated.
  3. Consume fruits and vegetables to get enough nutrition.
  4. Avoid using products with dangerous ingredients and products that don’t suit your lips to avoid allergies or certain effects in the future.


That’s how to make bold lip look. By using this method, you will be more confident with the appearance of your lips. Make sure you keep your lips healthy!

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7 Hair Color Trends That You Should Try

Hair coloring is a trend that is always updated like fashion and makeup trends. Many people try to enhance their appearance by changing their hair color, whether it’s lighter, darker, or just adding a few highlights to their hair.

A new hair color will also give a different impression. Changing hair color is also believed to improve mood and is like opening a new leaf

Even though there are so many hair coloring trends that exist today, you may be confused when looking for the right recommendations when you want to dye your hair.

Here are some hair color trends that you should try, guaranteed not to be out of date.

Hair Color Trends You Should Try

At least, there are 7 hair color trends on the list and they can enhance your hair appearance.

1. Brunette Hair

Try changing your hair color to a dark brown or brunette color. It gives a firm impression on your hair and is suitable for all skin types because of its neutral color.

As long as the treatment is appropriate, you can get a natural shine from brunette hair so that it looks like your natural hair color.

2. Balayage hair

Changing hair color to balayage color is a timeless trend. Balayage will give the impression of hair that looks natural and has dimension without being ostentatious.

However, before changing your hair color to a balayage color, you must be careful when choosing a color, especially if your original hair is black. Choose a balayage color that is at least two tones lighter than the original hair color so that the result looks more natural.

You can also add a money piece hairstyle or strands of hair on the front that are colored in a bright balayage color. Money piece is intended to frame the face naturally and look beautiful

3. Peek-a-boo

Over the past year, the trend of coloring hair in the peek-a-boo style has been loved by many people from all over the world. If the money piece will highlight the front of the hair, peek-a-boo will actually be on the back of the hair.

The way to make peek-a-boo hair is to make the outer hair color black, then apply a light or contrasting color to the inside of the hair.

Later, the hair color on the inside will be covered by the outer hair, then it will be visible when the hair is tied up or flipped.

4. Vivid highlights

If you want to change your hair color to a more colorful one, try giving bright highlights to some of your hair. Bright colors will give a firm and bold impression, also your hair will look more beautiful.

The basic color for this hair color trend isn’t always black or dark brown, you can play with colors using your favorite color and add colorful highlights to make it look more attractive. Apart from highlighting with various colors, you can also focus on just one color for an edgier look.

5. Ombre hair

Ombre hair color is easier to apply when you’ve done bleaching. If your previous hair dye color faded and left a bleached color, it’s time for you to try the ombre hair trend.

It doesn’t have to be a lot, you can just apply color to the bottom of your hair to get a beautiful ombre hair color.

6. Chocolate milk

Brown milk color is one of the hair color trends that you can try if you want to have a soft, yet modern appearance. This can be a solution when you are bored with flashy bright colors or bored with your black hair.

Brown milk can still maintain the impression of a natural hair color because of its natural color. For maintenance, you just need to use regular shampoo and conditioner to keep your hair healthy.

7. Dark honey hair

Although brown is often considered a natural hair color, it turns out that this shade of brown varies quite a lot. One of them is dark honey hair color.

Because it is a lighter color, this color will give off a bolder impression than usual. To get this color is also fairly easy, you don’t even need to do bleaching. It is enough to choose a good product and the right way of application.

How to Take Care of Colored Hair So It Lasts Long

After you color your hair, of course your hair will need extra care compared to if you don’t dye it. You also definitely want your hair color to last a long time and of course stay healthy.

So, how do you care for colored hair so that it lasts the longest time? Here are the tips!

1. Use Special Shampoo

As we know that colored hair requires more care. This includes the use of products for your hair, such as shampoo.

In order for the hair color to last longer, use a special shampoo for colored hair. This is because the various ingredients in this shampoo will help maintain hair color.

2. Use Conditioner

In addition to treatment with special shampoos, you can complement the care of your colored hair with conditioner. This product is a product that has the function of maintaining healthy hair, so that your hair doesn’t dry out, get damaged, or fall out easily. And of course your hair color can last longer.

3. Avoid Warm Water

Avoid using warm water to wash your hair, especially at higher temperatures. This will only make the hair color fade quickly. Better to use normal temperature water to wash your hair.

4. Protect from Sunlight

Next, make sure your hair is not too often under direct sunlight. Sunlight will only cause hair to be easily damaged and the color to fade. Not only hair that is colored with hair dye, the natural color of the hair can change but in an unhealthy direction.

5. Don’t Color Too Often

Hair color will last on healthy strands. Therefore, make sure to always maintain healthy hair. It’s also important to know that the longer the hair coloring results will be different. Therefore, don’t force coloring your hair many times because this will only damage it.


Hair coloring can give an attractive impression on your appearance and support your fashion. However, no matter how much you color your hair and always follow trends, the health of your hair is the main thing. So, give the appropriate care for your hair color.

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Top 7 Denim Styles Combined with Hijab

Many continue to mix and match different fashion trends utilizing denim as their primary fabric. Everyone has their preferences for things. However, a denim look that incorporates both shirts and bottoms might work well.

The phrase “denim on denim” then gained popularity to describe the look of two denim fabrics together. Perhaps the most typical outfit is a denim jacket and denim jeans. However, thanks to people’s inventiveness, this fashion quickly expands with additional apparel items.

You may now consider the following factors to obtain a distinctive combination. Call it the dos and don’ts of wearing denim apparel and a few outfit combinations that you may use as examples.

1. Training Pants With Side Stripes For a Sporty Look

This time, an edgy, athletic appearance is the jean jacket style you may copy. Black training trousers with side stripes are appropriate for pairing with a jean jacket. You might select a soft-colored pashmina hijab to cover up, which will go wonderfully with your blue jacket.

Even if you are athletic, soft hues will make you seem adorable. You may keep it basic by simply wearing a t-shirt for the inner. White sneakers go well with this outfit as footwear. Well, this fashion will work well for a variety of informal occasions.

It works well to hangouts, sports, sightseeing, or simply amusing roadside images on a CFD (car-free day). To make it even cuter, accessorize with adorable timepieces and eyewear! Indeed, those of you who are stocky or slim will look great in this attire. It’s a given that females shouldn’t select pants that are too lengthy if they have a tiny frame.

2. Casual Side Buttons Culottes Jeans

This hijab jeans jacket design might be an example for you, ladies. A black inner shirt, culottes, and an oversized jean jacket may all be worn alone or together. Because of their loose shape and side button design, these culottes are stylish jeans.

The hijab may be tied on the side and has a straightforward rectangular design. Both casual and little dressy outfits can be worn with this design. You can wear neutral white sneakers as your footwear with your matching jacket and pants. It’s still OK to go to college, hang out, or work (depending on your company’s policies).

Remember that the jacket’s sleeves have been slightly folded to appear edgier to you. Yes, it would appear that you need to rethink this costume if you have a slender build. So that it doesn’t seem like your body is sinking. Are you ready to look like a goddess?

3. Pleated Skirt Combination with Denim Makes it Elegant!

You could find it highly intriguing to create this hijab jean jacket design as a suggestion for a regular dress. A pleated skirt and a simple T-shirt will look great with an oversized denim jacket. You might select a hijab worn just fastened at the back and is soft gray in color.

You may put on a pair of essential white boots to up the cool factor. Yes, this jean jacket style is significant, but it’s not long. For those of you who are short, it will help you appear taller. This attire is appropriate for both formal and informal occasions. Going to work, college, or even for a walk is OK.

4. Red Culottes Combination Makes It Attractive

You may take inspiration from this jean jacket design for women with hijabs, ladies, if you don’t want to be complicated. It requires you to wear a red t-shirt, culottes, and a jean jacket to complete the look. Select a pashmina hijab in a neutral color, like black, and tie it back if you’re wearing one. Wear sandals that are the same color as your hijab as your footwear.

Don’t forget to accessorize it with sling purses and eyewear for a more fashionable look. This look works well for both professional and informal occasions. This design might provide the impression that you are thinner and more confident if you have a voluptuous body type, you know, girls.

5. Jeans Jacket with a Robe for an Elegant but Still Casual Look

Combining it with the robe, ladies, is the source of inspiration for the next hijab jean jacket trend. It will still seem reasonable if you appear classy and syar’i while wearing a robe, right? You don’t have to wear a black robe; you can wear one of any color. Wearing black will be more neutral, and you won’t have to worry about deciding which colors to pair with your shoes and hijab.

You can wear a pashmina hijab with a color that isn’t too striking as your veil. White shoes are an option if you want to keep things athletic. A cropped jean jacket is the best option when wearing one with a robe. As a result, your body form won’t appear flat. This look is ideal for your formal occasion.

6. Unique Patterned Jeans for an Edgy and Stylish Look

This kind of hijab jean jacket may highly inspire a casual everyday look. Pair a jean jacket with ultra-cool skinny jeans to complete the look. Although you cover your nakedness with a hijab, you may still appear cool.

The hijab might then be rectangular and attached loosely to the back. Every outfit may be worn with a pair of neutral white sneakers for footwear. This ensemble is ideal for various casual activities, including sightseeing, vacation, hanging out, or even simply snapping street-style pictures. You will also appear younger with this appearance. You know, it’s also appropriate for teen hijab wearers.

7. Combination of Denim and Ruffle Pants for a Feminine Look

There are several ways to wear a denim jacket that you may mix and match with a hijab. This one is pretty fantastic for those who like to seem casually feminine. A cropped jean jacket with several patterns may be worn with cute black ruffle trousers.

Plain white T-shirts appear to be a good option for the inside. Next, pick a hijab that is the same color as your trousers. White sneakers and a pink sling purse are optional additions. You know, you may use this fashion advice for formal occasions. Those who are slender and short are advised to wear this style. Your body will appear taller and fuller. Try it out now!

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10 Favorite Beauty Products of All Time

It’s vital to keep the health of your facial skin. As a result, customers are in severe competition to select the top cosmetics for facial care. Skincare of the highest caliber routinely rates among the best cosmetics available.

The best skincare and cosmetics frequently use premium ingredients that have undergone sophisticated processing. These products are frequently of wonderful quality and have successfully passed several clinical study tests, assuring their safety for use.

The best skincare companies frequently offer better and quicker results than other cosmetics companies.

Therefore, have a look at the top skincare and beauty brands in the world and their top-selling products below if you want to have beautiful, healthy skin.


Almost all of Maybelline’s products are utilized by beauty salons since it is the top cosmetics brand in the world. It’s understandable why you frequently come across this brand, particularly on the dressing table for everyday personal use.

Benefits Cosmetics

Benefit has been a part of the beauty industry since 1976, bringing the qualities and allure of each cosmetic product it creates. Jane and Jean Ford successfully established enticing branding for all demands in the finest makeup.

NARS Cosmetics

When Nars offered 12 different lipstick formulas in New York in 1994, this cosmetic product made its debut. Francois Nars, the creator, then went on to create other cosmetics, such as lip gloss, blush, and eyeshadow palettes.

Cosmetics by MA.C

In 1984, MAC Cosmetics was formed by Frank Toskan and Frank Angelo. Makeup Art Cosmetics is the name of the company. In addition to its well-known global reputation, MAC has offered cosmetics for the face, lips, nails, and fragrances.


This company has been in existence for almost a century. To be more exact, L’Oreal has offered several products for skin care, face beauty, nail coloring, and hair care since 1909 up till the present.

Anastasia Beverly Hills

The creator of this high-end cosmetic company, Anastasia Soare, first thought that eyebrows had a significant role in determining the final image. Anastasia Beverly Hills offers a selection of your cosmetic requirements, starting with Cindy Crawford and Kim Kardashian.

Urban Decay

Of course, you are familiar with this brand because renowned beauty vloggers and makeup artists frequently use it. Get up and begin building your reputation in New Port Beach, California. Red, pink, and nude, which were appropriate hues for young people, predominated in the early cosmetic color selection.


The Noxzema Chemical Company initially created the cosmetics line CoverGirl. The brand was incorporated with Procter & Gamble (P&G). The expansion became apparent as more musicians became CoverGirl’s official endorsers from year to year.


began introducing its goods in Japan in 1872, and since then has held the title of a top cosmetics brand worldwide. Shiseido is an adaptation of Chinese classic literature, down to its name. Makeup, fragrance, and skin care are among the many treatments and beauty products.

You no longer need to be perplexed if you want to spend money on the top cosmetics in their category. For the demands of every beauty fanatic, the top cosmetic companies in the world are constantly advancing and inventing new products.


In 1932, CR Lachman, Charles and Joseph Revson, and others labored to create Revlon. Revlon has provided people all around the world with a variety of cosmetics in the shape of enamel nail polish.

Those are the ten best and most favorite beauty care products. Do you intend to choose one of them? Well if you do and you want to try out each one of them there are some tips you should read.

How to Neutralize Face Before Changing New Beauty Products

Surely, some of you are eager to explore new skincare products. However, before you try to change your skincare, you must first neutralize your face.

The procedure of neutralizing face skin is critical for those of you who wish to replace old skincare and avoid skin issues. So, if you want to modify your skincare routine, you may do so by following the instructions below!

  • Gradually reduce your use of skincare

When you wish to alter your skincare, the first step is to gradually reduce your usage of previous skincare. If you are used to applying skincare every day, you can limit your usage to three days per week. Then, gradually reduce it to two days until you no longer use the previous skincare. This must be done gradually so that the face skin develops accustomed to it and adverse responses on the facial skin are avoided.

  • Face Cleaning Routine

The primary method of utilizing skincare is washing the face. Cleaning the face must still be done on a regular basis to remove filth, grease, dust, and pollution that has collected on the face. When you wish to change a new skincare product, clean your face at least twice a day.

  • Using a Moisturizer

Skin moisture is critical in the skin-care process. Before switching to new skincare products, you should still apply a moisturizer to keep your skin moisturized and assist skin cells function efficiently.

  • Water Consumption

Not only do you need external therapy, but you also need to drink enough water to keep your facial skin cells hydrated from within your body. By drinking enough water, facial skin will get fresher and healthier, making the process of replacing new skincare more efficient.

  • Examine the New Skincare Content

The components in your new skincare are also crucial. Before switching to this product, be sure that the substances are not hazardous or have the potential to create allergies in your facial skin. To avoid facial skin issues, seek for new skincare products with identical elements to previous skincare.

  • Use New Skincare Gradually & Watch the Reaction

You can progressively utilize your new skincare when you have entirely discarded your old skincare. You may also do a response test at the start of its usage to avoid undesirable reactions such as acne, itching, and irritation. If the new skincare creates an allergic response, go back to utilizing the old skincare. If the new skincare does not create an allergic response, you can continue using it gradually.

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Top 5 Favorite Food Vloggers and Bloggers

A food blogger and vlogger’s career is directly tied to the culinary sector. Food bloggers discuss their experiences through a blog or websites. Still, food vloggers use video to showcase their experiences eating dishes that are unusual, affordable, or have intense flavors. Extremely spicy meals and other foods with strong flavors can both exhibit this intense taste.

5 Food Vloggers

The following list includes five food vloggers and five food bloggers who, although not famous, have managed to charm their audience with their propensity for evaluating the cuisine they consume.

Warning! You can get hungry when you watch their blogs or videos if you enjoy watching or reading about food reviews.

The Food Rangers

Trevor James is the owner and operator of the YouTube channel The Food Ranger. This Canadian man, born and bred there, acknowledges that he enjoys traveling, particularly trying local cuisine.

To produce films on Chinese food, Trevor and his wife currently reside in Chengdu, China. His YouTube channel primarily focuses on Chinese cuisine. Since he lived in China, Trevor was fluent in Mandarin.

Mark Wiens

Mark Wiens is an American travel food blogger and YouTuber who runs the website migrationology.com. He is well-known internationally. Mark Wiens is renowned for traveling to other countries merely to sample the local cuisine.

Mark Wiens visits several countries to try local cuisines with his wife, who also doubles as his cameraman. There must have been painful ups and downs before he ultimately got this popular, even with 4.5 million YouTube subscribers, so it stands to reason that he didn’t attain the success that he has today.

Miss Mina Oh

Mina Oh, a Los Angeles-based Korean-American lady, founded the Miss Mina Oh YouTube channel. The videos on Miss Mina Oh’s channel cover travel and food hunting. He frequently creates food videos on this channel where he talks and eats.

You may not know this, but Mina Oh has worked with several musicians. You must subscribe to this channel if you fall into the category of travelers who enjoy eating and drinking videos.

Fung Bros

Brothers Andrew and David Fung, both comedians and rappers, who were reared in Kent, Washington, make up the Chinese-American group Fung Bros. Popular YouTuber Fung Bros frequently delivers informative stuff. Their reviews of various Asian meals are among the things that will grow your appetite.

Best Ever Food Reviews

Sonny Side, an American who lived in South Korea and Vietnam, founded the YouTube channel Best Ever Food Review. Every meal review video is filled with humor. Sonny Side traverses the globe, much like other food vloggers, to try a wide range of unusual and even extreme cuisine.

5 Food Bloggers

These are the top 5 food YouTubers. The top 5 food blogs are listed below if you want to see reviews of various types of cuisine and their recipes.

Love and Lemons

Website: loveandlemons.com

Jeanine Donofrio and her husband, Jack Mathews (the “#1 taste-tester”), are the creators of Love and Lemons. The blog’s name is derived from Jeanine’s love of seasonal foods, frequently served with a touch of lemon.

Vegetarian dishes and recipes are dominant on this website.

Established in 2011, the site has received accolades from well-known culinary publications, including Food & Wine, Refinery29, Food52, SELF Magazine, and Oprah Magazine. In 2014, Saveur Magazine recognized it as the Readers’ Choice Best Cooking Blog. In 2016, it received a Saveur Editor’s Choice award.

You may narrow your search for recipes by meal type, season, special diet, holiday, and ingredient. Only 6 dishes are listed under the lemon component, which is surprising.

Minimalist Baker

Website: minimalistbaker.com

One of those websites where the name pretty much says it all is Minimalist Baker. It offers plant-based dishes that require no more than ten ingredients, one bowl, or 30 minutes to create. A new recipe is posted every three days, featuring both savory and sweet foods.

Dana Shultz is the one who work on the blog along with the recipes. She is really interested about food photography as well as experimenting with food recipes. Even further, she created The Essentials of Building a Great Food Blog course.

Despite the term “baker” being in the site’s name, it covers a wide range of (primarily vegan) culinary techniques, including entrées, desserts, snacks, breakfast, sides, and drinks.

Cookie and Kate

Website: cookieandkate.com

The focus of Cookie and Kate is enjoying beautiful meals. Kathryne Taylor is Kate. Kate refers to her dog, Cookie, as a “mystery mutt” or, according to a DNA test, a schipperke and dachshund/Australian Koolie mix.

Oklahoma native Kate works as a chef and photographer. She started the blog in 2010 and now devotes all of her time to it.

Cookie and Kate offer vegetarian and whole food recipes like the other best food blogs mentioned below.

Finding recipes is simple, thanks to the website. The following search filters are available: Course, Cuisine, Diet, every day, Ingredient, and Season.

101 Cookbooks

Website: 101cookbooks.com

Healthy meals which are served in simple are the main topic of 101 Cookbooks series by Heidi Swanson. More than 700 Instant Pot, whole-food, vegetarian, and vegan recipes are available.

When Heidi looked at her sizable cookbook collection in 2003, she decided and tell herself that it was her time to stop collecting cookbook and actually start cooking. She started to get tired and bored of copying the same recipes. She decided it was time to look through her library.

As Heidi worked her way through her cookbooks, her skills and knowledge in the kitchen improved, and she accumulated a library of delicious dishes.

These days, Heidi picks dishes and writes about them that relates to her daily hobbies, travels, and life. Frequently, but not always, these come from her library of cookbooks.

Recipes and posts can be arranged by ingredients, season, or category (such as vegan, whole grain, chocolate, pasta, etc.).

The Smitten Kitchen

Website: smittenkitchen.com

Smitten Kitchen offers mouthwatering pictures of food that begs to be consumed. Therefore, it should be no surprise that Smitten Kitchen has attracted a large following of passionate food enthusiasts.

Fearless cooking from a small kitchen in New York City, according to Smitten Kitchen’s mission statement. Deb Perelman, who was intrigued with the nuances of food and cookery, invented it. She enjoys being free to wake up and cook anything she feels like that day, as she states on her About page.

The centerpiece of this website is the recipes. There is a focus on elevated comfort meals in particular. The website also offers many tutorials on subjects as varied as poaching an egg and preparing pie dough that won’t shrink unexpectedly.

Deb makes a point of utilizing only readily available items.

The site’s recipes are divided into categories on the Recipes page, with different sections for Meat, Fruit, Vegetables and Sweets.

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Tips for Starting Your Own Business

Do you want to start your own business and be ready to be a more successful person? If you want to be a better person in your career and build your own business, then you need to know the right steps to do it. Running a business is a big challenge, so you need to be ready to face the challenges that may rise when you start it.

A business should be run in good preparation. Preparing your business is the key to a smooth run when it grows. Thus, you can always get the best when you run your business. The starting point of your business can be overwhelming. However, you can always try to make your business more promising. How to do it? You can see how to improve your business and improve it.

Running a business will help you to get more profit and gain more wealth. If you want to have the best experience to build your business, you can try running some simple businesses that will give you profit. It means you can find many new opportunities.

7 Smart Tips to Do Before Starting Your Business

As we have talked about before, running a business is not a simple thing. You need to do everything to make sure your business is always on top. Especially if you run a business with perfect planning, then you need to execute the ideas and other things that will make it run smoother. So, we have some ideas for you who want to make your business have a firm foundation.

  1. Understand your target market. This is the first step for you who want to build a strong business. It gives you a clear vision of what to do for your business. If you are just starting your business, then you need to make sure you really understand what’s happening to your business. It helps you grow and you will find many benefits from your business if you know your market.

Understanding your market is important as you will build a product that will satisfy what your market needs. It is also important as you will promote your business based on how your market wants. You need to know who your market is to be able to execute your project, and promotion and make it more personalized for them.

  1. Build the best team to grow together. Remember, you cannot do everything by yourself. Although you are a generalist, you still need support and help from others. This is the point where you need to grow your own team. Make sure you trust and are able to work with your team.

These people should be the ones with the required expertise and the same vision as you. The team should share the same view on business and other things you will do in your business.

  1. Plan ahead, as you will understand how many businesses are collapsing due to a lack of planning. Make sure you know what to do if plan A is not working out. Make sure to make a good plan B if you want to start something fun. In case you want to build a business, you need to make a scenario where your business not running well and how to mitigate it.

Mitigation is an important thing for your business, as it will give you a plan when everything goes wrong. It also helps you to grow and find new opportunities in the world. When it comes to you to run a business, you will also need to be adaptive to change.

  1. Make sure you know how to get funds and how to manage your business finance. Although you have a finance staff, you still need to understand what happens to your business. It will be a great thing as you will always be in charge. You need to know the financial balance and how to deal with it.

If you need more funding, then you will also need to know where to get it. Are you ready to start a loan? If you want to start a loan, then you need to make sure you can repay it. As you might consider it a solution, you still need to have a rigid plan to repay your loans.

  1. Manage your time well, as your business is still in its initial phase. You need to invest all your time to grow and develop the best formula for your business. You will have your hands everywhere to make sure your business runs well. So, you need to know the best way to make a balanced time management between your business and your personal life.
  2. Understand the technical issues and troubleshoots. It is a crucial thing for everyone who is running a business. You can have a great idea, but if you don’t know how to troubleshoot the technical issues, you might get a big problem. So, make sure you understand what problems might occur and how to deal with them.
  3. Make a clear plan based on all your analysis. When you have understood your strength, weakness, and other factors that may affect your business growth, you will need to know how to make a clear plan. Make sure you understand how to deal with a business plan, a troubleshooting plan, and other things that will make your business runs better.

Those are 7 tips for business owners who want to get their business done perfectly. Starting a business is not easy, but it is not impossible.

Starting a Business as A Beginner

If this is your first time running a business, you must feel uncomfortable things. If you want to start a business and run it well, then you can also learn from the seniors. People who are more experienced in running their business will give you more insights into business and how to manage it. Of course, by improving your knowledge about the business, you can grow it to be the best in the field.

So, are you ready to start your business and become a successful business owner? Start your plan right now!

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