Tips Avoid Insomnia and Sleep Fast

There are various ways you can try to fall asleep quickly. Starting from applying certain breathing techniques to lowering the room temperature.

Sleeping fast has many benefits for the body. According to WebMD, one of the benefits of fast sleep is increased immunity.

7 Tips to Fall Asleep Faster and Avoid Insomnia

A body that gets enough sleep can also make the body’s organs function properly again. Therefore, you should have enough sleep and fall asleep quickly.

Don’t worry if you have trouble getting to sleep fast, because there are several ways you can do it. Here are some simple ways you can try to fall asleep faster.

1.      Lower the Temperature

A room that is too warm or hot can make it difficult for you to fall asleep. Usually, many people sleep comfortably in temperatures around 15–23 degrees Celsius.

You can adjust it to the most suitable temperature. If there is no air conditioning, you can work around this by taking a shower before going to bed to lower your body temperature. The cold body temperature after a shower can help send signals to the brain to fall asleep.

2.      Do the 4-7-8 Breathing Method

To help your body relax before bed, you can apply the 4-7-8 method. The 4-7-8 method is a simple breathing technique that can give you a calm and relaxed feeling.

Not only does it help you fall asleep faster, but this breathing method can also be used when you’re feeling anxious or stressed because it works by relaxing the nervous system.

The steps are as follows: Close your mouth and inhale slowly through your nose for four counts. Hold your breath for a count of 7.

Then open your mouth and exhale with a whooshing sound for a count of 8. Repeat the cycle at least three times or until you feel comfortable.

3.      Make a Sleep Schedule

In many studies, a regular sleep schedule can help a person fall asleep more easily. If your body gets used to waking up and going to bed at the same time every day, it can help your body’s internal clock (circadian rhythm) maintain a regular sleep schedule.

Once your body adjusts to this schedule, it will be easier for you to fall asleep and wake up at the same time. Before going to bed, you should give yourself about 30-60 minutes to relax. This method allows the body and mind to relax and prepare for a comfortable sleep.

4.      Turn off the Lights

To help you fall asleep quickly, you can turn off the bedroom lights. Darkroom conditions can increase the production of melatonin, which is a hormone important for sleep.

However, some people cannot sleep in the dark. You can adjust it by changing the lamp to one with a dimmer.

5.      Do Meditation or Yoga

Meditation and yoga can help calm the mind and relax the body. In addition, both have also been proven to help improve sleep quality.

The breathing patterns and body movements in yoga can help release stress and tension in the body. Meanwhile, meditation can increase melatonin levels.

Therefore, if possible, you can meditate before going to bed to get peace and good quality sleep.

6.      Avoid Napping

People with insomnia tend to be sleepy during the day due to a lack of sleep at night. This condition makes them often take advantage of the afternoon to rest.

The habit of napping during the day will affect sleep patterns at night. Several studies have shown that napping during the day can damage the quality of sleep at night and make it difficult for someone to sleep.

To work around this, you can limit yourself to short naps (power naps), which are around 20–30 minutes.

7.      Listen to Relaxation Music

Not only can it overcome chronic sleep disorders such as insomnia, but music can also improve sleep quality.

You can listen to music that provides calm, such as special meditation music that can help you fall asleep faster. Apart from that, you can also try some instrumental music that wins hearts and minds.

That’s how you can fall asleep faster and avoid insomnia problems. Very easy and simple. You can find the best relaxation music at